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frequently asked questions

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What is World Citizen Peace?

World Citizen Peace is a 501(c)3 organization as founded in the State of Minnesota in 1972 to encourage young people and others to find peaceful ways to solve problems. World Citizen Peace is non denominational and non partisan.

Why is the organization called World Citizen Peace?

Everyone who lives the Five Peace Actions is being a responsible citizen of the world, thus “World Citizen Peace.”

How is World Citizen Peace funded?

World Citizen Peace has always been funded by voluntary contributions, primarily from individuals and a few foundations.

Who founded World Citizen Peace?

Lynn Elling, a Minneapolis businessman and Naval Officer in WWII and Korea is the founder of World Citizen Peace.

What does World Citizen Peace do?

World Citizen Peace promotes three pathways to peace: International Peace Sites, Peace Education and Peace Ambassadors

Why five Peace Actions?

Peace is not only a state of being, it is also a state of action.  The action needed is the first word or two of each Peace Action.

What are Peace Poles?

A visible reminder of your commitment to peace.

What are peace sites?

A Peace Site is a place committed to the World Citizen Peace five Peace Actions.

How can I contribute to World Citizen Peace, and is my contribution tax-deductible?

You can contribute via credit card or Paypal through this website, or through personal check or other means directly to: World Citizen Peace at P.O. Box 9296, St. Paul, MN  55109. Contributions are tax-deductible as determined by law.

We are interested in becoming a Peace Site. What should we do?

You can complete the online application on this site or contact us.