
December 2024

Seek peace within yourself and others • Reach out in service • Protect the environment • Respect diversity • Be a responsible citizen of the world
Calvin Coolidge: “Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”

World Citizen Peace is proud to announce a new grant opportunity for K-8 teachers. The Walter Enloe Peace Education Grant will support classroom or school projects proposed by teachers, grades K-8, that enhance peace, social, emotional, or ethical learning, and embrace World Citizen Peace’s Five Peace Actions.
Dr. Walter Enloe’s career spans decades as a Professor of Education, educational leader, scholar, author, artist, and peace activist. Walter was committed to fostering learning communities with a special focus on project-based learning, democratic education, peace education and activism. He was a founding faculty member of Hamline University’s MAEd and EdD programs in St. Paul, Minnesota.
The Walter Enloe Peace Education Grant was created in his memory by his family, friends, students, and others who wish to support Walter’s belief in building cultures of nonviolence and peace in the classroom and throughout school communities.
Applications for the Walter Enloe Peace Education Grant will open early in 2025 and Peace Ambassadors who teach K-8 can apply online.

Everyone at World Citizen Peace gives thanks to the incredibly generous donors who contributed to World Citizen Peace during our recent Give to the Max campaign.
Our Give to the Max campaign is over, but you can still contribute to World Citizen Peace by clicking on the Donate Now button below.
With your support, we will continue to empower our diverse community of nearly 2,000 Peace Ambassadors in over 90 countries, as well as others engaged in peace-building initiatives.
Here’s how your donations will be put to use:
- Providing scholarships for students dedicated to the study and practice of peace.
- Funding local initiatives aimed at integrating peace curriculum into schools.
- Empowering educators and leaders to champion peace education.
- Supporting the establishment and growth of Peace Sites worldwide.
Your commitment to peace is deeply inspiring, and we are grateful for your ongoing support. Together, we are making a tangible difference in our pursuit of a just and peaceful world.

My personal Peace Ambassador goal is being an example of understanding differences, compassion and happiness through forgiveness.
My goals with people around me are, promoting peace by example and through art, meditation, conscious dance, and spiritual-wellness, mandalas, yoga, self-confidence and mindfulness activities to encourage my community to live in peace and harmony.
We all deserve to be happy and live peaceful lives.
I have always believed that love, compassion and action can bring peace and then change the world.
I teach courses in active listening and communication in harmony to support families so their communication between them and others can be done in a peaceful and a comprehensive way.
Feeling inspired by the great actions of our Peace Ambassadors? Want to join World Citizen Peace community and create a just and peaceful world?
You can do that by becoming a Peace Ambassador! It is easy to do and is always free. Go to our website and register today to become a Peace Ambassador and receive a Peace Ambassador Certificate.
Ahimsa (non-violence) is a principle of nonviolence toward all living beings, central to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It promotes peace through compassion and respect for life. The principle of ahimsa first appeared in the Vedas, a 4,000-year-old Indian spiritual and philosophical belief system.
Ahimsa, the first and foremost of the five yamas (restraints) described in the Yoga Sutra, entreats us to live in such a way that we cause no harm in thought, speech, or action to any living being, including ourselves. In its pure form, ahimsa is the spontaneous expression of the highest form of love — an unconditional positive regard for everyone and everything.


Inspired by the Peace Prize Forum (an event of the Norwegian Nobel Institute in collaboration with five Midwest Norwegian Lutheran Colleges), Lynn Elling co-founded the Peace Prize Festival at Augsburg College in Minneapolis.
This event began in 1989 and continued through 2018, celebrated by a number of colleges and non-profits in the Twin City area. Nobel Laureates were studied and celebrated at the Festival by student peacemakers.
For 30 years, the Nobel Peace Prize Forum Minneapolis provided an important, highly visible international platform that celebrated the accomplishments of Nobel Peace Prize winners. The annual Forum created opportunities to learn from the work of the laureates and provided opportunities to support the ongoing work of reducing violence and fostering peace while highlighting the work of the laureates. It served as a portal and a platform to draw inspiration from Alfred Nobel’s wish to promote “fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”